Tennis Ministry Bulletin Board

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Tennis Ministry Bulletin Board
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Re: Re: Re: Looking for Master's tickets

Hello, I am working on replying to some messages posted on our message board. I am praying for your request for tickets and will let you know if I have any further information for you. Blessings, Bob

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Replying to Original Article:

Hi Ryan, 4 would be ideal. Two would still be an answer to prayer. Thanks.

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Replying to Original Article:

Veronica, how many tickets do you need?

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Replying to Original Article:

Hi. I am a friend of Bob Kraft's. As someone who is involved in golf ministry and Christian education, I am looking for some Master's tickets for next year's tournament to be donated to use as a fundraiser to reach golfers for Christ as well as to make it possible to train disadvantaged students how to excel from a biblical perspective through a program called God's Way to an A. I have been praying for this request for many months now. God bless.