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writing invitation
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Real People

I saw the strangest thing on the television the other night. It was a "real people" sort of show and

the theme was engagement proposals. There was the usual stuff where the guy gets dressed up like

a knight on a horse, or has the message written in the sky. In one particular segment the fellow who

was going to make the proposal had hired a slight of hand expert to play the role of a policeman. At

the pre-arranged place, the "policeman" pulls over the car with the couple in it and orders them to get

out of the vehicle. He then makes a search of the car and, using his slight of hand talents, discovers a

baggie full of white powder. He draws his gun and insists on conducting a body cavity search on the

young man. While his girlfriend watches in horror, the policeman proceeds to perform the search

accompanied by squeals of pain from the young man. With dramatic flair the policeman extracts a

small box from the groom-to-be's anus. The policeman is now screaming "what's this?... what's this

pusher man??" and hands it to the young man. The young man, with his pants still around his ankles,

turns to his girlfriend who is frozen with fear and looking pale and ready to vomit. He holds out the

little box and then pops the question. The girlfriend feints and falls to the ground. The young man

and the magician are arrested and both receive jail sentences. The young woman moves to a

different state.