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Tales for Idiots

A few years ago I wrote a rather satirical piece which remains on my website even today called "The Lettuce Preservation Society". Now this piece was written after viewing numerous websites and seeing so many idiots on TV trying to save this or that, like a tree, a whale, a Spotted Owl.... whatever. It seemed that everyone had a "cause" and pitiful me had none. The Hollywood crowd is really good at this kind of stuff. When you make zillions of dollars and have a lot of spare time on your hands, you can now be concerned about all these other issues that most of us really don't have the time or money to give a damn about.

Anyway, I wrote it as a satirical joke you could say. It amazes me that after so many years have past I still get an e-mail about this piece. What is even more amazing is that about 1 out of 20 people actually think I'm serious about banning the human consumption of lettuce. Like today, for example. A lady wrote to say that I obviously had no life and she was going to "pray for me". I wrote her back to tell her I was going to pray that she developed a sense of humor. She then wrote me back to say that she hoped I didn't think she was an idiot.

Sorry, Miss.... too late.

And while I'm rambling on... Along these same lines,I work for an Oily Co., as some of you that frequent Holger's site know. Well... they had another nasty issue to deal with recently and we aren't talkin' about the price of petrol either. Awhile back they discovered a rather large oil field in the Gulf of Mexico, which they nicknamed "Crazy Horse". Welllll.... this didn't sit too well once the American Indian tribe (forget that 'Native American' stuff... I don't use it) found out. Not sure which tribe Chief Crazy Horse was with, but the Indians got restless and said this name was sacred and it was an insult to use it. Well, the Co. trying their best to not be insensitive renamed the field "Thunder Horse" to keep the Indians happy. All is well on the reservation I guess. They probably said they would also kick in for their next casino whenever they decide to build a new one. Of course, I'm thinking there probably was a Chief called Thunder Horse and they will need to rename it again...

Funny though... I remember Neil Young formed a band called Crazy Horse and I don't remember any protests. Maybe there were, but I don't remember any. At least SOMEBODY needed to protest his singing!!

Re: Tales for Idiots

Any kind of horse out of the Gulf of Mexico would smack of oilyaddiction if you know what I mean. You hit that mainline and "thar she blowwwws!" and I'm not talkin texas tea or the new Melville revival.