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Re: Do Spouses actions matter?

Yes I do believe that his actions will matter. I am also in Florida and waiting to go in front of a judge for an emergency hearing for temorary alimony and child support. My ex also makes 70,000 to my 30,000 and refuses to pay anything to me but everyone I talk to says when he gets in front of a judge that it will not look good for him. You need to check on what is going on with your soon to be exhusbands lawyer because I did not even know that you could deny going to an emergency hearing. I want you to know that I can totally understand where you are coming from I am in the exact kind of situation. I moved out on may 1st and have yet got one penny from my ex.Stay strong and beleive in yourself because you deserve to be able to live without needing help from others. I know because if it were not for my parents I would not be able to even live on my own. I hope it helps to know that you are not the only one out there in this kind of situation.


Re: Do Spouses actions matter?

I think you should document everything with dates and write it down (receipts for things you have to buy, money from him etc

I think the judge will consider this