My husband job is moving to Okinawa Japan . he will station there for 2 to 4 yrs. So me and my kids have to move in Japan with my husband. I have a 2 1/2 yr. old son. with my ex boyfriend. I have the full custody and my ex boyfriend only have a reasonable visitations wich is. he got. 3 weekends visitations. my ex never excersice his visitation. the judge order him to give me a 48 hours notice if he can't pick our son . my son have an asthma and my ex never administer my. son's medication. but the judge order him to administer all the medications that the doctor prescribed for my ex refuses all this. he told me that my son has no asthma. do u think that the judge will grant me to relocate? since the father never excersice his visitations and refuses to give my son's medication? and I'm not sure if I can relocate to Japan with my husband. I went to court last week and the judge have to do the continuance for my case, because they have to appoint us to the guardian. ad litem. what I'm worried about is the guardian ad litem is male, so he might take my ex boyfriend side. my ex boyfriend doesn't want us to move to Japan. my ex boyfriend is married now and his wife is pregnant. my ex boyfriend is in the military, his in sea duty. And he will go for deployment this year for 8 months. Do you think that the judge will let me relocate to Japan? Please I need your advice. thanks a lot