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I'm ready

I have been married almost 20 years and am ready to get out. We have 2 kids (16 and 9 1/2). He lives in basement now as he refuses to leave. I have been afraid to go because I can't afford the house myself and I don't want to pull my kids away from their home plus I want to go back to school (so will get even less money). I have been thinking to wait until my youngest is grown but that seems WAY too long, I think I will lose my sanity before then. My parents said they will help with the money for the house if I leave him (basically get my inheritance now rather than when they pass). Any advice? Should I wait and see if I get accepted to school and file after that (so it was part of my plan if we were together, it should continue if we are not). Who should know about my parents' offer? Just my lawyer? Not him? I want out so bad it hurts. I wish this over today but of course I know it will take time and I figure I've waited 20 years I can wait however much longer to do this right and do this smart, so I don't get screwed by him or the system. I always thought I should stay put as long as I was unsure, but I am so positive I want a divorce that I know it is time to take action. Or should I just live my life and wait for him to file (so I can make more demands, he'll fight me on everything if the divorce is my idea in his mind) or wait until my youngest is older and I am secure with where I am going and where my kids are? I just know I don't want him in my life anymore and it is killing me not knowing what the best actions are. Anyone who has faced this dilemma (no admitted cheating, alcoholic, no interaction with the family unless sought by us) I would really appreciate your sharing your experience, what you did that you'd do again or what you wished you had done. Thanks so much! Love and peace to all!

Re: I'm ready

If you are feeling that way I would no matter what leave and divorce and start your life with your kids alone. It is not worth it to be miserable. I did it and was the best decision I ever made. It has not been easy but it is working. My kids were 17 and 13 when I filed for divorce and I regret nothing. You have to do it you will survive I did.

Re: I'm ready

I would not say a word abut any money from my parents to my attorney....not in the middle of a divorce. Attorneys are out to make money, this is how they feed their family, and the more you have the more the attroney will want to keep this divorce going on.
Coudl your parent just agree to pay you a small amount of money per month just to make up the differnce in what you can pay and what the bills are? Any large amount of money, such as an inheratance is just too tempting for most attorneys.

Re: I'm ready

I totally agree. I had no clue what attorney's charged you for then but I do now. I would do things so differently now but it is too late. Attorney's are in it to make money so be careful. Man I wish I could go back in time where my attorney is concerned. They so play on your emotions!!!! Buyer beware!

Re: I'm ready

Great, thank you both for your reply! I am completely at my wits end. I was telling him this needs to be over and my daughter came down the basement stairs without my knowing (she was behind me) and then he starts wagging his finger at me (yes, literally!) and telling me I am using the children!! This was NOT a conversation meant for the kids, I didn't know she was there, and I said if he wants full custody of the kids and stay in the house I will give it to him all I care is we are not together and of course he starts back pedaling saying they need to be with me and I tell him then don't threaten me! If I keep the house and kids, I win. If he keeps the house and kids, I win. If I leave with kids, I win. If I live in a cardboard box under a bridge, I win! All that matters is I am away from him and can live my own life. I know he will not try to take the kids from me, he doesn't want them, that is definitely no threat, even if he makes it verbally...whatever, we both know he wants nothing to do with them, he never did. It was funny how he tried to play me, nice try. Anyway, I appreciate your telling me to keep parents support quiet, or at least as a monthly payment. I have had a couple of free consultations with lawyers and didn't feel comfortable with either. So I guess it is good to keep my guard up, they try to seem like they are on my side, but I can see what you say, they are money motivated. Sad. This is torture, I want it over so bad and he won't go. If I didn't have kids I'd kill myself because the aggravation is so great, I simply do not understand how a man can have a wife telling him to leave, telling him she doesn't love him and wants him GONE, and he stays!! I know it is a power play, he probably wants me to crack (I was suicidal before our kids came, he's probably hoping I'll do away with myself and save him the trouble...NOT going to happen!!) Thanks for this site and thanks for your support, a brighter day is around the corner I just have to have patience! No matter how stupid or annoying he can be, my life is worth more and I WILL reclaim it. Sorry to ramble, thanks again for your advice.

Re: I'm ready

Whatever you do do not ever settle. Keep those kids no matter what! I hate when I hear people say they just want it over so just want to give it all up. Once the divorce is final there is no going back so please make sure you get all you can and want---that includes your kids, house, money, personal property everything. I feel bad for you that he is still in the house. I was fortunate that my ex was working and living like 6 hours away. We always thought me and kids would move up there but never happened. I knew in my heart it was the wrong thing to do. Be true to yourself and you will make the right decisions. My ex has absolutely no communciation with either of my kids. Very sad but what can you do. I figure it is his loss. I just don't get it how they can just turn their backs. He still has to pay financially but he has no relationship. I wish they did but then agan a part of me is glad they do not because he has some serious issues. I love talking and sharing and really want to help other women. I do not want to bash men (just the ones we are divorcing!). Hang in there I am so enjoying life now!

Re: I'm ready

I don't think you deserve to emotionally compromise yourself by spending any more time with your husband. A home is not defined by it's structure but the presence of love, security, safety and comfort of the family in it. I grew up in an alcoholic home. My mother tried to shield us from my Fathers temper and drinking yet we all knew and experienced it on a daily basis. I use to pray that my Mother would leave my dad. She finally left him when I was in 9th grade. I felt a sense of profound relief that I no longer had to live each day feeling scared. My siblings and I took on adult concerns as children, which have contributed to a basket of insecurities we all struggle with as adults. I don't know the extent of your kids relationship with their father. When you mention staying with him for the kids, I cant help but relate my own experience as a child. Living with an alcoholic parent can be very scarey and leave an imprint of emotional insecurity with your children. If their Father isn't emotionally present in their lives and consequently your home is not a source of security and comfort, then leaving your husband should be for you and the kids not staying with him. In regards to filing for divorce, the laws of each state vary. I live in PA. If a divorce is contested then their is a 2 year waiting period before the divorce can be enacted. I suggest you research the laws in your State and consult with an attorney. As for the $ help of your family, I would keep that on the D.L. from your husband. He is entitled to pay you alimony and child support if a separation was decided. I do hope you feel deserving of this. You are a strong, intelligent and kind woman that has so much to be proud of, especially for the person that you are.