We had a non contested divorce because we try to remain friends, there was no mention of any real property or payments to me on decree. I am unemployeed he makes good money and lives in our ranch home on 49 acres. I live with family and have nothing.
Now that divorce is final...he will approach me to sign off on all. My name is not on house loan ($185K)only deed. Are I not entitled to anythiny? cash or property? Im not signing nothing until I am sure.
He refused to pay me or give me anything before divorce and I could not afford a contested divorce. Any after divorce advice? I know he will be asking me soon.
The problem with "signing off" and trying to remain friends often leave us, women, in terrible financial situations. I too, wanted to break it off easily, and not cause chaos, but many times we make decisions at the time of our divorce , based on emotions, and NOT on the financial security of our future.
If your house is on the deed, it is a martial asset. Just because the LOAN was not in your name , doesn't mean anything. You still own 1/2 of the home and are entitled to negotiating something. I would recommend you talk to an attorney or mediator before signing anything.
Be sure to note this, when the time comes around to collect SS benefits. Especially since his income was higher than yours. Many women don't realize they can collect on their ex husbands social security, even if he gets remarried! He wont even know about it, neither will she (if he is remarried) So you may not get anything now, but you'll get SOMETHING after the 18 years of being a devoted wife!
Nicole, are you sure about the SS item. I just asked my attorney about that , and he said no, once you are divorced you cant collect his SS. ?? Now I am confused. Just starting the divorce, I know nothing.
You can collec this social security if you were married 10 yearsor longer and he has a work history of 40 quarters or more.
In you orignal divorce does it state that you will completely release all interest in marital property? or does it jus tnot mention anything about any assets.
If the assets are not mentioned in the original divorce decree then the property is still 50 percent yours and you will need tostart a divorce property settlement, if you indeed signed over all marital property than legally you must sign them over. See an attorney with your divorcedecree immediately, do not sign anything over to him until you knowfor sure. Kinda a nice place to be, owe nothing but owe it all.
I, too, was with my ex for 18 years. Just this past February, he went behind my back with his girlfriend and filed a married/separate return, and split the money with her. I will get my justice when he retires, though - we were married 15 years, and I will, in fact, get half his retirement. He and the OW are already having problems.
Are you just talking about social security retirement? My ex and I were married 17 years and for 10 of those years he had in his name a life insurance policy that is whole life, he lied and said it was only a life insurance policy and had no value, I tried to tell my attorney that he was lying but he wouldn't listen. It will be worth a lot of money in about 15 years (if he hasn't cashed out on it yet). Does anyone know if I am entitled to that?