Im so glad i found this..Im 35 and ive been married fro 10 years and in the relationship 16. I am ready to either divorce or separate. Why? because i feel that Ive been taking care of a grown child. The emotional and physical abuse has put in me in a place that I dont want to be. Our finances are ALWAYS at a minimum. When I try to work as hard as possible he claims that its too much for him to be with the kids. He doesnt complain right away but after a while he does. You see hes been out of work for the past three years,and has been on unemployment for two of those years. He is a brick mason so fortunately he has gotten work here and there. As far as the house whole bills, I have been covering them while earning my bachelors. I know that does not make me surperior to him but i feel that in three years he could have found a job by now if he really wanted too. He does not understand the sacrifices that must be made when one has a family. Im at my last straw with him. He has no ambition and would rather sit and get drunk for hours rather than go to school or look for a job. Im not sure that im in love with him anymore. I resent him because I feel that he does not really care about the well being of his family. Well he cares but he figures that if we have any money problems that I would TAKE CARE OF IT. Im tired of feeling like I have all the responsibility on me. Im sure some one can relate cause I could never explain it all in this post.