Hello, I owned my home before marrying. After the hurricanes of 2004, I refinanced in order to complete repairs to my home, I married during hurricane Jeane. Now because my GAY husband wants revenge for my "outing" him, he wants part of the house (or at least the money from it), I owe more than it's worth at this point. Does anyone know how one would divide something that has no equity?
You can not divide a house without equity unless he wantto split half of the amount that is in negative equity, let say the house is worth 100000 and you owe 200000 to the bank te negative equity would be 100000, he would need to pay you half of the negative equity or 50000. He will quickly give up the ideawhen he finds out he owes you, however based on that you owned the house prior to marriage and you soley took out the loan a court may not order him to pay the difference, it may, but probably not.