I don't know ladies. My ex-husband had a mental breakdown in my opinion. Neither one of saw it when it was happening. His mother passed away and he was getting ready to retire from the military and we were making plans to move to southern texas. Something happened wether it was stress or depression I don't know. But we are divorced and we are buddies now. It's hard because his living with someone now but we both know we made mistakes and now don't know how to get back on track. He is looking for jobs and has mentioned about getting back together but of course we are both cautious. Can't move from one relationship until you end the one your in. No plans are made for the future together but there is a silent code that says there is hope!
Unless you are 100 and 10....percent sure don't do it. My ex came back to me a number of times even before the divorce and it just didn't work. The fact that he is with someone else even now, sends red flags flying.
I'm scared but with both have our own lives right now. I don't ask much about this other woman. He has to find another job and move. And I have to sell a house in order to move. So, we both have responsibilities and we can't just up and run with all this so in the mean time he calls me every day, two and three times a day and we text or e-mail all day. We are close and we realize the mistakes we've made but where we end up now only the Good Lord knows. Because if you would have asked me 3 years ago that we would be where we are currently I would've said NO WAY. But we are and it happened and now it's a difficult situation...I say we are crawling along until tomorrow or something pushes to make that move. Jobs and house are currently the biggest obstacles.
Thanks for the e-mail. This exactly what I was thinking! I need counsling just to keep me straight and help guide me in the direction that I would like to go in. Thanks for the comment!