Are you sober now? If not, make sure you get help, he will use it against you! Keep your head clear so you can make smart decisions. If you are sober now, he might push those buttons to try to get you to drink again so he can have the upper hand. Yeah crazy he wants another baby, just trying to trap you. I would make your plans to leave, gather records you need, contact a lawyer, but don't let him know until you feel prepared and ready to go. Good luck!
Thanks for the advice. I do still drink , but only wine ... a glass a night. See, the problem was that he wouldnt let me drink so I had to sneak it, and sometimes I would drink alot cuz I knew he would find out anyway. i drank to numb the feelings I had. i never REALLY loved him. He just always said he wasnt as bad as I made him out to be. But he was even worse sometimes. i dont get drunk anymore cuz he lets me have my wine. He also smokes pot daily which I dont but he says its ok cuz hes been doing it for years. But u know something, hes only nice to me when hes "high". Go figure.