So today my ex tells our daughter (via his girlfriend) that I am now "not allowed" to have my info on my stepsons' emergency contact forms because I "am not anything" to them! What. The. FRAK! When their mother died, who took them in so they would not have to change schools or live with their elderly grandparents? We did. Not just HIM, but we BOTH did. Who drove them to doctor's appointments, to school, to campouts, their friends' houses? ME, that's who! For 3 years I did these things for them, and loved them like my own..and as far as I am concerned, they *are* my sons in every way that counts!.....and now, their father, because his girlfriend is a jealous, insecure, vindictive c-you-next-Tuesday, wants to cut me out of something this important, and for no good gorram reason. And ya know, by his reasoning, she should not have any of her info on their forms either, because a) she is NOT his wife; b)she is NOT their mother; and c) she is just doing this to avenge herself on me through my boys...because I did something to make HER mad this week.