Sadly, there is nothing you can do, if he has made up his mind. I would suggest seeing an attorney immediately to find out your rights, etc....and perhaps get into counseling to help yourself.
You don't think I should try and fight to save the marriage? Is it hopeless? :( I didn't even know he wanted to separate. We had to move out of our house and he just left and has barely spoken with me since April. I am devastated. He cut me off financially. I have seen a councelor 2xs but I am having such a hard time understanding and believing this is happening. I am helpless and since I don't work we were trying to have a baby also lost financially. He said he filed by mail 3 weeks ago and is waiting for a case number. Does it take this long for a case number? I am devastated and help with be appreciated. I can't even afford a lawyer but called a legal support line. I don't want to end my marriage. Do I suggest counceling to him?
you can't save your marriage all by yourself; unless your husband wants to do that.....there isn't anything you can do. That is a shame, but you must protect yourself...and you MUST have an attorney, etc.
k. Thank you so much. He cut me off financially so I am looking for someone who will help if I can pay in pymnts. I am in CA.
Totally sad, but I guess I needed to hear advise. I do feel like I am fighting for his attention and just getting hurt. I feel super lonely and appreciate your posts. Thank you again crushed.
I may try suggesting counceling but know he will say no. thank u