My ex is not a bad parent... just selfish and manipulative. He and I, both raise our boys. The problem I have with him and his adultery is more between him and me as far as court issues go. My worry though is how do you raise your children with good morals and teach them how to respect others when you have an ex that thinks nothing of just up and leaving for some young girl who was married as well and then just lives with her and shows so much disrespect by his actions and then the courts do not stand on any moral issue, and society only cares when it happens to them.... If no one takes a stand on moral values then these values become less and less important and in the future how will my son's treat their wives...hopefully not like my ex has treated me at times? I do make stands and I do try to teach them by my own actions, and I always encourage them to love their father even if they don't always like his actions. But when are people, schools, courts, churches, etc going to stand for what is right and just in this world anymore. Sorry about stepping out on my soap box, but before the divorce I thought my ex had the same values as I did in raising our boys...but apparently I was way off...he did a total 180. Shouldn't the courts set an example and stand up against "all" injustices. Marriage is a religious/public vow between people, God and state. Seems to me more solid then just any contract and the courts take action when a contract is so blatantly broken. Adultery is called CHEATING on a person. We get fined if we Cheat on our taxes, cheat our banks, cheat a store or business etc....When has it become okay to cheat.
Just voicing my thoughts and making a stand,
I completely agree with you. Adultry has become the norm. We are teaching our children that cheating on our spouse is OK, and it is not. The courts need to see this as the reason for the break-up of some marriages.