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Re: help

I'm so sorry you are going through this. I am a mom with 2 boys who were 8 and 10 at the time. Can you talk with your Mom or Dad at all or would it be easier to talk to someone not so close to all the emotional issues that are going on in your home right now?

I took my boys to counseling because they were hurting and needed help that sometimes parents don't always know how to give at the time. Can you ask your parents about counseling or maybe find a family member like an Aunt or Grandparent to talk to.

If you do go to counseling they sometimes have support groups made up of kids going through the same things that you are. Do you know any kids your own age who have gone through divorce? Maybe they can help you with what they have gone through.

You may want to talk to your school guidance counselor. They can also give or lead you to the support you may need.

If you are not physically feeling well because of all this, you may want to ask your parents to bring you to your pediatrician or doctor, they can give you any medical help or direct you to someone who can help you with all your emotions.

Try to reach out to people and let them know how you really feel about things. The more a counselor knows about you and your feelings, the more they can help you to deal with all this.

I know it may seem like your world is crashing in, but it does get better. My sons feel much better now then when it all happened, but there are still things that bother them at times and I can only help them if they tell me they need help....so never be afraid to ask someone to help you like you just did in your post.

Divorce is not an easy thing, but the more you talk it out or write down your feelings and share them with the people you love or with a counselor or a doctor, the quicker you will start to heal from this all. Stay hopeful and stay close to the people you love, because they love you too.