You have come to the right place. Let it out, we will help when we can. We all have different experiences, I am sure someone can relate directly, and we can all relate at least indirectly. It's awful feeling alone which is why this site is so great. Now you have found a place where people want to hear you AND support you! I think friends/family/co-workers say they are there for you, but sometimes it is hard for them to know what to do or what to say. It is awkward and uncomfortable, they might want to be there for you but not really know how. I am sure their intentions are in the right place, it's just hard for people to understand if they haven't been through it themselves. I found this site after realizing no one could listen or support me the way I needed because they hadn't gone through it. I felt like I was just annoying them or providing gossip so I stopped and felt even more isolated until I found this site. So go ahead and vent!
hi there, I don't know your name but can relate to what you feel. When my husband and i first split, everyone was there. My family and friends called everyday, sometimes too much. Now, it seems no one wants to here it. But I am still in pain. Have horrible days and bad days. The bad days are becoming more frequent than the horrible ones. My teammate at work is a real cold fish too. So i have to plaster on a smile and head to work every day. My husband did horrible, unforgivable things and they involved him getting fired and he also harrassed my daughter. I have started to see a counselor for myself and it does help. Are you seeing anyone for this? You probably should. Keep in touch and you can talk to me about how you are feeling. What happened in your situation?
I felt exactly how you do! I still do at times, but like strongspirit said, you've come to the right place. Please share your story and vent. No one here judges and we all understand. I hope you find companionship here.