My ex has hit a new low. I never thought he would do this to our children. He is now blaming them for absolutely everything that is wrong with his relationship, with the household, and for every altercation between them and the OW's daughter.
She can do no wrong; my kids can do nothing right. She is "sensitive"; my kids "pick on her".
He isn't even allowing them to express a negative opinion around other members of the household, if it is about her or her POS spoiled materialistic whorish brat of a daughter. Yeah, that li'l apple didn't even roll a little distance from the tree when it dropped.
My daughter was in tears today about this. She even outright stated that she doesn't want to live with him any more because this is what she and her brother have to put up with day in, day out. I feel horrible for her. But there isn't anything I can do except to support her, validate her emotions, and remind her that, although her dad is saying these things to her, he is not saying them because they're true, but rather because he has a genetic inability to accept the blame for anything. She actually smiled a little about that. But this school year is going to be pure torture.
SO sorry your kids are going thru this. I am glad my kids were grown when this happened to us. However my husbands' low was unbelievable to me too. We lost our 21yr old son 3yrs ago. He is now calling friends telling them he wasnt his father! I was feeling sorry for him, but after that I have no feeling for him at all. It is unreal to me how fathers can just ditch their children to suit their own needs.
My ex is a very confusing person. Some days he is easy to talk to, and kind, and reasonable...other days he is angry at everything, and belligerent, and unreasonable.