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The first step toward a divorce

My husband told me a couple of weeks ago that he wants a divorce and he don't love me no more, I found him chatting online one night that is when this happened. He has been chatting for a little less than a year. I feel so alone and sad I haven't told noone yet. We just bought a house and a business together so it is very hard we don't have the money to buy each other out so we are staying through this until we sellt he home then the business. I love him so much and it hurts me, last year I had an ectopic pregnancy and lost 1 tube and it maybe be hard for me to have a baby now with help I can he don't want that he wants the old fashion way so that too also is a factor. I cry every nite to sleep we are still living together but emtionally seperated he is I'm holding it in being strong I have a grat friendship with him, i don't want to loose it. He is going to talk to a lawyer soon to start the process. I don't know what to do I don't eat much I had been sick since he told me my insides can't hold anything in mow. I know from stress. but I just don't know what to do, we been married for only 7rs no kids. i know I need to talk to someone but I haven't found the time just putting to the back burner. Any advice would be great.

Re: The first step toward a divorce

Hi Steph,
I'm sorry you are going through such a rough time. I, too, had an ectopic pregnancy and lost one tube. I was so scared I would never be able to get pregnant, but I now have 3 kids. I went on Chlomid and it made getting pregnant pretty easy.
Have you asked your hubby to go to counseling? Do you think that maybe he is depressed? I'm just throwing things out there. I hope that he'll talk to someone with you. Maybe that'll help. If not, it may not seem like it but you will be happy again.
FYI, try pulling away from him. Sometimes when you pull away he starts to see what he'll be missing and come back. Sometimes.

Good luck.

Re: The first step toward a divorce

Yes we did talk about the pregnancy and he don't want to spendd the time, money or emotional up and down roller coaster ride. He said he fell out of love with me but still loves me. You know what I mean. I hear alot of stories about surviving a ectopic I will be going to the drs anyways it is my body. I will be trying to pull away I feel that is a great idea I will be joining a gym tomorrow and trying to make new friends that way too. I hope he will see his mistake. I also hope he don't jump the gun for the rebound relationship. But we all must go through the up and down too. Thank you I need all the advice I can get.