this is the first time i talk about my matter. i was divorced 2 years ago and my son was 2and a half years old, observed an ugly domestic violence seen, cops in the house and dad was insanly angry. so, the court gave us three years restraining order, however family court allowed supervised visits after a year, and now he sees him 4 hours every other week, but he is asking for over night visits. I know the child needs both parents, but I am finding it so hard seperating from my son, we have never been apart for more than 5 hours, and always sleeps next to me and recently in his own room. I dont know how to cope withthe overnights sleeps. the other reason is the dad, he was never there for his son when we were together, and that was the last argument, so please give me openions, thanks
I'm in this exact situation. I constantly remind myself that at 5 years old, they have the vocab to let us know if they feel unsafe and it is our job as mom to listen and take action thereafter. Keep yourself busy once those overnights are in effect and you will gradually become accustomed to it. Believe daughter does not have overnights yet, but I'm preparing myself now. Hope this helps!
Crazy how the court systems work! My case is very simular and my children will be spending 10 hours at the house with him, that they haven't been back to since the day we left the home 9 weeks ago!
I think what will help me through this, is that it is only 1 day ( or in your case 1 over night) there isn't anything that can change this. take the time to rest, because being a single mother, is a hard job and we do deserve some time for us!!
Hi Sam,
I can imagine this must feel really difficult. Wont the court take into consideration how your son would feel about such a significant jump in access?
If you are finding it difficult I imagine your son would too, distress through forced overnight access wouldnt be good for anyone and the welfare of your child is paramount. Surely a steady increase would be a better alternative, maybe you could mention this?
Just a thought.