Well, I actually got ask out on a date, Im not going, but it was nice to be asked, thanks for all the advice, and Im sure I will need more, and I hope I can help someone else on my journey.
That is a good feeling. I am in the midst of a pending divorce. Despite my husband screwing me over badly so to speak, I still miss him sometimes. I do not consider myself married anymore and have ceased contact with him entirely. It really does at times feel good to be independent, not committed to anyone and free to look and touch for that matter any eye candy that crosses my path. I use to think starting over at 43 sucks but now I am excited about finding love again and choosing more wisely.
I like eye candy, ex called this afternoon, said he wanted to come over and talk, told him I was busy and we really didn't have anything to say, I mean this, I still miss him but, little by little and second by second Im starting to look at the postive instead of the neg. Please everyone going thru this and think they can't go on without their ex, read my post from last tuesday, I really thought I was going to die, but with advice from ladies on here that have gone thru this and alot of prayer Im starting to find my way their is always hope and things really do get better.
I am so happy for you!! Hold onto this feeling, when bad days come, return to this feeling to remind you that bad days will pass and get better again. You have begun your adventure, enjoy yourself as life unfolds all it holds for you!
Sue, can I just ask if ceasing all contact helped the healing process? Was it difficult at first?
I ask because I have been asking for no contact because our constant daily contact appears to be stopping me from moving on, when he didnt contact me for five days I was panic struck for first 3 days but I stopped constantly checking my phone by day 4, day 5 I was sad but not climbing the walls. We have never got further.
Just curious.
So good days are possible! There is hope for us all . Hope you have lots more.