Does that mean I should let go and see..?
Went out tonight for the first time in a while with a single friend. uck it made me sick to my stomach. I can't bear to take off my ring although we are separated and when men come and talk with us I just want to scream go away. Just venting its all so weird and scary. I love and miss my husband I know I don't need him to survive but I want him back as the best friend he always was. This all seems like a horrible nightmare. :( I just keep praying and believing in God my faith to lead me... I went to a support group at church yesterday and I am so proud I had the courage to go. It was nice to be around people who understand but at the end of the night I felt guilty because I also wanted to run out of the room because listening to so many sad stories was making me feel week. I am just week right now and sometimes breakable that I feel like I need positive every day all day or I will not be able to cope. Before I could handle anything but now I cant even watch a sad movie.