You deserve to be happy and with someone who is kind and loving. If you are in a relationship where your partner doesn't treat you well, you should get out. It is destructive and will only bring you down. There are worse things than being alone.
I like how you try to appreciate what you have, but it doesn't mean we can't seek out more. I do think God wants ppl to stay married, but He doesn't want us miserable. If we are miserable we cannot be His voice and His light in the darkness. I've been thinking that perhaps my happiness (and every person's happiness) shouldn't hinge so much on another person, but on our own sense of worth. It's not that easy to achieve, but it's worth trying. With God all things are possible! You are His child and worthy of being happy and loved. Remember that!
Julie, its interesting that you say that because one of the things my ex uses is God. he says i will go to Hell and i will pay, he too will pay apparently but not quite as much as I will.
He throws God at me at every opportunity, God put us together, so thats why it feels so hard being apart, spiritually we are bound, this is not what God wants...etc etc. I have actually just written a letter to God asking if i am being punished for walking away from my lonely, verbally abusive and highly controlling marriage. I have asked for forgiveness and asked if i may be given peace rather than hapiness.
I am more spiritual that Godly, my mind is open to many angles and I dont subscribe to any one belief system, I think there is some truth in all but I think it is a personal relationship you need to build on. My ex was raised in an evangelical family and has very rigid views. he is intolerant of any belief other than his own. So yes when hes naffed off Im going to hell. Today he told me he would curse and put a spell on me if I moved in with my new (hes now my ex too, so my new ex partner.
Sorry I just tuned this into me didnt I?
Sorry. Im not with it.
lol when I posted I realised it was my thread, so its ok!!! I tell you ladies Im losing the plot over here