Our order says that my ex gets 4 consecutive weeks of summer visitation. Does this also mean that he continues every other weekend visitation during the summer as well? He just moved back to the area 1 year ago and he resumed every other weekend. Every summer since we have been divorced he has only spent 4 weeks with our child in the summer (he lived out of state). Now he wants every other weekend with our child in the summer too which gives me very little time with the child. Please Help!!
In the absence of other orders, yes, he does get every other weekend. You say that it gives you very little time, but you have the child EOW all year, plus most of the time in the summer.
If he is moving in from another state and trying to re-establish firm bonds with the child, you should be grateful. Your child needs both parents.
I just found out that the way the order states the visitation that he ONLY gets every other weekend during the summer and NOT the 4 consecutive weeks because he is no longer out of state.
And yes I am glad my child has an opportunity to get to know their father however it is difficult being that we are in the preteen years and they see their life being turned upside down overnight. So it is challenging to say the least in dealing with that. And to know that it is all temporary because the father will move out of the area in the next 2 years (he is military). The child's father and I don't get along very well; he tends to be very controlling and he has a history of abuse with me.
I wish it had a fairy tale ending but I guess life is not perfect.