Where to even start....I was in a marriage for 6 years and for 5 of that I was trying to build the courage to leave him!! He was physically abusive but definately emotionally! After someone tells you that no one in the world would want a women like you---you give up your life. I lost myself inside of him and that scares me in December last year I finally left him after finding out about 3 or 4 affairs he has had over the years...we also have to young children 5 and 3. I filed divorce in May and when the 60 days as almost over he got a lawyer and has been dragging this out ever since! He has told me he doesn't want me and thats fine...but why all the BS. He has a private investagator following all over the place! And to top it all off he moved his girlfriend into our house a month after I left!
I have been hurt so much and am finally getting back to being myself, but he still has control over the situation...he won't get divorced! He keeps dragging this on and I don't know what else to do.
No one I know has ever been through a divorce and feel like I am all alone with no one by my side. I am scared that I will never get to be myself again as long as he is control of this whole thing!!!I am so scared and sad....don't know what to do anymore....someone please help me!!
Re: completely lost and scared that I won't make it!!
Congrats for leaving him! I know that sounds weird but that is the first step to know that you are worth it!
I filed for divorce in June 09.....still married to the jerk. He refuses to sign papers. Now mind you he is living with his girlfriend #2. Girl #1 got smart and left him too :)
He is dragging because he thinks he has control. Well that is not entirely true. Yes I am still married to this man and that SUCKS! My ex don't want me to get anything, that is why he won't sign. But in 6 months I can walk into a court room and divorce him, with out him even being there. Oh and I can walk away with half or even over half of what HE owns.
Sop while he thinks he is doing this to just make me miserable, I am making the best of it. I still have control over what he is allowed to do with the home, I get over 1/2 his check ( child support) He has to cover me medically,he has to pay for my attorney. He can't do a thing with any of his belonging, because I have a list of things that I decided that I might want (lol I can't even drive his truck...but I put it down as marital property so he can't do anything with it, if he wrecks it I get half the insurance check)
You have to be smart, look things up. And play dirty, not with your children, I will not use my kids to get to him...but I am more than willing to get him where it hurts..his wallet
He thinks he has the upper hand, show him that even though he wont sign you are still going to go and make a life with out him.
I am still legally married to him, and I am going to make sure he knows that every time he tries to go ANYTHING. Use that as a benefit. I often wonder how long girl #2 is going to stay after I take everything he has from him? That keeps me smiling