london- re: Thanks and hope for those of us struggling to let go
I love that quote! I think it would sell really well as a framed piece or needlepoint pillow, don't you? :0) I'm so glad that women like you, who have been through this hell but aren't consumed by it, are still visiting this forum to offer support to those of us in the early stages of the process. Not to say that all the pain goes away, but I was really starting to think I would never be ok again! Thank you and I'm so glad you are happy!
london- re: Thanks and hope for those of us struggling to let go
I just hope I can help some of these women out. I really did not have anyone to talk to that had been through it. Dont get me wrong me family was great but I still felt like on was on my own. I wish you the best and beleive me once you start to realize you are worth more than what he gave you. You will feel free and be much happier. I wish you the best.
Re: Adrienne - Thanks and hope for those of us struggling to let go
Didn't see your post the other day -- so glad my words helped you. This forum and the wisdom and support from all of these women has been so helpful to me. Some days are easier than others, but I am on my way to peace. I hope you are too!