I am so unhappy. My husband is abusive and an ass but has pulled a loaded gun on me and threated to shoot me if I take his son I am so stuck here. He has not worked in over 2 years and I make really good money so i am afraid if I leave i will end up supporting this alcoholic
Your husband sounds very unstable right now. I know fear stops us all in our tracks sometimes, but that is what men like this want it to do. You need to report this in case something more happens... this needs to be on record, but most of all, you need to be SAFE and so does your CHILD. Is there a shelter or someones home you can go to with your child? When you are threatened with a gun by a man who drinks it is not a matter of if he is serious or not anymore or whether or not that this man is your husband....You need to let someone know what is going on as soon as you can and remove you and your son from this situation. Also, not having a job in two years can add so much more to all this tension by causing depression. Be careful.
I agree with Susan.
My ex pulled a gun while drinking his 5th of Jack one night.....I was soooooooooooo stupid but not reporting it. I managed to talk my ex down, he went to sleep, I packed a bag for me and my 2 kids. If took me a week to get out. He stayed home from work all week, followed my every move. I wish I would have called the cops, I was protecting my kids, in my own way. But in fact I harmed my chances of getting away. I did leave, moved upstate for 6 months, he filed to force me back. If I would have filed a report against him that night, or even that week I would not be fighting him all the time.
PLEASE for you and your child GET OUT!
I agree but careful. But make sure that you call the cops and get it on record. It will help you case so much. My husband threatened to shoot me in the head and told me i would never make it to court. He was also an alcoholic. I had never turned him into the cops for all the times he came home drunk and pushed me around. I never turned him in when he left drunk. Looking back I wish I would have. But imagine his suprise when I called the cops on him and put a PPO order against him. His threats stopped. Not that this will happen in all cases. But the more reports you have the better. If he leaves your house drunk call the cops and let them know he will be arrested. Definately call the cops the next time he does something like that. Be careful and safe. I wish you the best.