Thanks all for the advice. I found some more emails that were very damaging some that he couldn't lie his way out of. Her husband called me last night to tell me she told him everything, but only because I emailed him and told him I had something for him to see. My husband still says as of last night that he didn't cheat on me he just started having feelings for someone else. I have a consultation with a lawyer at the end of the week. As embarrassing as this is for me I will have to tell my boss, because the woman is a person of power were we work and could possibly have a say in any future I have with the company. My husband doesn't know I talked to a lawyer over the phone last night. However he did say last night that the best thing for him to do is probably leave. Well he doesn't get out that easily he will have to go through with the divorce if he wants his break so much and I have my family and some friends. I am not sure I can cry much anymore but it comes in waves so there will be a point in my day where I will be locking my office door and sobbing quietly to myself I guess.
It will be extremly hard, but you can make it through it. I think you are right to talk to your boss as she may try to start trouble for you. Good for you to take the step to make your life better. It may not seem it now but in the end it will be.
Well my husband and his boss got fired from work so he blamed be for getting him fired and yelled at me in emails for about a day and then he changed his tune and started asking if we could work things out because we owe it to ourselves to try and if we see a counselor then maybe we can fix this.....So I catch him Tuesday telling another woman he wished her to be his wife, Tuesday night she tells her husband everything and mind denies all till Wednesday morning where he goes to work and gets fired for his inappropriate relationship, and spends Thursday and trying to talk me into taking him back.....what is wrong with this picture....hes got nothing and he knows it so now he things I will forgive him and take him back...even though he told me last night he still talks to her because shes sick and he doesn't want to be cold and unfeeling to someone who is sick!!! So I told him this "You know someone asked me what do you want to do Julia.......and I said I don't want to go through this again I can't and I just feel like all of your we need to work on this and that and fix this situation wouldn't have happened if you got your way and she left her husband and you were together all happy. I feel like you don't want to to be with me really just someone and I feel you put me in danger being with another woman there are all sorts of things you could get from someone else even just by kissing and you didn't want to be 100 percent honest with me you kept dodging my questions and saying I was paranoid and I just want a new start where I will be something more to someone who will have the respect for me that I deserve to not put me through this kind of thing. Regardless if you think I am giving up on you I am not going to give up on myself and I feel I deserved better than what you did to me so yeah if you want to call it running away go ahead but I call it a wake up call.