Know what you mean.I have had this ring on for 36 yrs, been seperated 3 months. Dont know what to do with it.? Or the rest of my life. Hard to let go of half of yourself. I dont really want him back either. So guess i am in a state o confusion.
Kat, its so sad I know. I do want him back, hell knows why, but I went into this for the long haul, not some short term arrangement. This ring means a commitment, but it now represents betrayal. I feel maybe its a status symbol, not that I get bent out of shape about being married, but its something I valued as a life long promise, for better for worse, and this is worse. How do you make men see what a world of pain they put us through without going completely mental!
We have had similar issues with the ring - even before we decided to divorce. He wouldn't wear his and I wouldn't take mine off. Here's what i realized one day . . . the ring I wore was given to me at the alter as a symbol of HIS fidelity and life time commitment. He has been unfaithful and has chosen to leave the marriage. Now the ring I wore simply represents a broken covenant. Follow that logic and he should still be wearing the ring I gave him because I have remained faithful in every way. Of course I can't convince him to do that since it would hinder his "social" life. As for me - I don't want to misrepresent to the world the character of the man who promised to be faithful for the rest of his life. After 20 years of marriage it feels strange to not wear it, but again I am not interested in wearing a symbol of his betrayal on my hand.
My ex never wore his ring except the day we got married. I gave up on trying to get him to wear it, he didnt like rings. I wore mine faithfully for our whole marriage. When he left I threw the wedding ring at him, but I kept the engagement ring (it is worth way more money than the wedding band) I will never sell it though, and I do wear it but on my right hand. Why? I dont know, maybe cause i dont want to lose it if i ever really need money someday? Or i just keep it as a reminder of what wasnt worth anything to him.
i sold my ring and bought myself a new bedroom set with the money-that was three years ago and im very happy with the decision. beware though its tough getting a fair price on used jewelry