Since paternity has just been established you will need now to get a court order for child support. It is only until you have a court order for child support that you can attempt to collect. Nothing in arrears as there was no court order.....Maybe if you got a really good attorney he could prove a case but the costs for the attorney would far out weigh anything you could potentially sue him for.....unless he is a very wealthy man.
Guess I will keep the H at the end of my name as I do not want to be confused with you. You are very rude.
Just remember this little saying
" Walk a mile in my shoes, if you don't understand me then, walk two. If you still don't get it, keep your own **** shoes on and stay off my street"
She came here for help and support. I'm sure she can get rudeness anywhere
Thank you lisa h, and for the record i was legally separated for almost 2 years, the ex was dragging out the divorce bc his lawyer was free (his step mom) and i had to pay for mine. Thank you for the information :) I do have another question if anyone cares to share info... So now the father is seeking 50/50 placement... if he gets it does that mean he pays me no support at all or reduced support or will he still pay full support?
I don't really understand how he is able to get 50/50 first of all.
Does he live close to you? She is 15 months right? How does he plan on taking care of her the 50% he has her? Will most of his time be at work or will he be there for 50% of his 50 %?
My ex wanted 50% but I flat out said NO! He works a job that requires a lot of over time and if I was home there was NO reason for them to be at a sitters. And lets face it not all divorces are like the show "Reba"