When it comes to the 'other woman' and we are beside ourselves with jealousy, imagining all the things they are up to.....
I went for hypnotherapy once because my 'lovely' ex has told me as we stood in my kitchen that he and his gf had enjoyed some hot sex on my kitchen unit.
That killed me. I could not let the image go and needed quick help to live with it.
You know what ladies..it never happened. I was telling the g/f about it and she looked surprised (and then how can i put this....as if 'yeah right like he'd be that adventurous)and told me it never happened. She was miffed cos she realised she was being used to make me jealous.
Something that almost made me nuts, NEVER HAPPENED.
More interestingly and this is probably the best, just listening to her talk about their relationship. In my mind it was all romantic, giggling, going out, hot sex, you know the drill ladies.
HA! the reality..... not only is he doing everything he has always done (controlling, sulking, negative, tantrums) but he's doing them ten times worse!
She isnt a happy gf, shes just in too deep and cant get out but one day she will and one day shes going to go through all this crap. However she isnt getting any benefit now!
Already he is alientaing her friends, little coments. Already she is lying to him saying she isnt visiting her friends (its too much trouble).
Talking to her gave me the biggest boost I needed.
In one of his attempts to win me back he was saying 'I know exactly where I went wrong, I was a controling b'''''' and I have changed' Oh my!
He also said 'I wont make that mistake again, even if you dont come back, whoever Im with I will treat as my number one priority'
That was said to have the desired effect..I started thinking GREAT he learns his lesson from me and the next woman gets the new improved model that I always wanted!!
If I hadnt spoken to the g/f thats exactly what I would have believed too.
She reminded me of the things I had forgotten because I was so consumed with jealousy and the best bits she was getting. She aint getting no best bits! And I wouldnt have put up with half what she is.
Do not forget why we left, why it was so intolerable and no matter what the g/f wants you to believe, she has to deal with all those things that drove you mad.
There is no new improved model out there. They just want you to think there is!!!!
Do not be deceived.
And if you ever get the chance, do have a conversation with the new g/f, all will be revealed and you will feel so much better, having known youve made your escape and one day she will planning her own or wishing shed never come near.
The g/f (who I wanted to kill) has done more for me than she will ever know!!!!
Re: For all of us dealing with the green eyed monster
Would be nice if that were true in my case. The gf is the biggest biznatch who ever lived, and has made no bones about lying her head off to me to "keep me away" from my ex.
So there have been several such conversations, and each one makes me dislike her even more -- because I know she has been lying to me AND to him. Just a nasty, miserable, unhappy person...and she is making him the same as she is. It seems like my ex's gf is like your ex...say anything, do anything, to get what you want and make the other person nuts...
HAHAHA!! Know how we have to type the security code at the end of a post? Mine is 'EX 86'!! 1986 is when we met! LMAO!
Re: For all of us dealing with the green eyed monster
Just have to comment on what you said about the code we have to type. usually nonsense right, but you had one with meaning to you? One of my recent ones..."PRAY".
Re: For all of us dealing with the green eyed monster
Oh, let me tell you. There is nothing better than you living your life and doing the right thing and taking care of your children, paying the bills, going to work and moving on and ignoring what he says or does. At first it is so hard because most men will fall into the arms of another woman right away and you feel so alone and undesirable and miserable and unloved and scared because you wonder if any other man will want you (they will) but then after a little while you as well as everyone else around you see the whole wine and roses scenerio for them is a farce. I feel sorry for the OW who ended up with my former spouse. I tried to warn her but she had to have him so be it. The thing to remember is this--there is a reason he is an EX. She is getting your leftovers anyway.
It is a wonderful thing when you get enough time and distance from him and you can see that the only reason you liked him was because you loved him and you most likely only loved him because you had put so much time and effort into the relationship. That you were devoted and committed and death do us part. That you were not a quitter even though he was a jerk. That you realize you can do allot better without him than you ever did with him. That it was not YOU but HIM all this time and that is why you struggled and were miserable and thought you were crazy because he would never cheat on you and how could you think that? Sure.
Give it some time. You will be so proud of yourself and how well you will do. Peace of mind is absolutely priceless. The best revenge is to live well and look gorgeous and be happy. Focus on your new improved life and leave him to his little cheater ways because he cannot trust her and she knows she cannot trust him. They are their own worst enemy. Plus you and your children will always be put ahead of her financially. I would not want to be her at all. You might even come to the place where you feel sorry for her.
They are the same old DAs and never change. The OW will not put up with their sh*t for as long as we did because they do not have children with them and they do not feel so obligated to make it work. I don't blame them either. So the OW will walk and they will fall into the arms of another OW and so on and so on.
Sit back and watch. It is quite entertaining what fools these men make of themselves.