Since it is in the divorce papers you can file a motion for contempt charges, yes you can file anything an attorney can file and represent yourself in court just make sure you know how to file and the legalitites of it. In my state you can not file contempt charges without first serving the motion for contempt on him, then the court will schedule the hearing.
If your decree says immediately I would think that this woudl mean within the next working week. Keep in mind just because it is in the divorce papers does not mean the ocurt will find him in contempt, the first, second or third time you take him to court, but eventually they will say enough is enough...normally contempt the first few times is just a slap on the wrist and they are told to comply.
THANK YOU so much for your help. it's been almost 3 weeks now since the 401k has been set up for him. i will go to the courthouse this friday if i haven't heard anything.
THANK YOU AGAIN!!! this has been such a draining, long process, i'm pretty much broke and just getting by and i owe, i owe, i owe!