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Re: Alone

I can relate to both of you on different levels. Mine is emotionally abusive. I have no friends, also like you say, because I don't want anyone knowing. How do I make friends, and have to force a smile if he is breaking my heart? How could I go somewhere if I didn't know if he'd be there when I came back? How could I ask friends/family to stay with me if he might not come home when they are there then they'd know? I have been SO isolated, trying to hide my shame of being with such a man, pretending to have a nice marriage. Mine drinks. went to bars most of our almost 20 years of marriage. i have 2 kids, 16 and 9. I have raised them alone. We'd go days without seeing him, he'd come home smelly and dirty and scruffy and not say a word (not just alcohol, also drugs). I also don't think he cheated, he says no, I look at him and believe him, who'd want him? But how do I know? Could have happened and he lied (he's a fantastic liar). Could have happened and he just doesn't remember. I am so sick of being with him. He won't leave. I have stopped crying, yelling. Stopped trying. He sleeps in basement. he tries to get back together every now and then. he can be great, nice, sweet, helpful, etc. When he tries I am so happy, can't stop thinking of him and how lucky I am to have him. then he screws up again. Now when he tries...my heart isn't in it. I might be friendly (not nasty or not ignore him) but the feelings are just gone. It is getting easier to live in the same house as him because I just don't care anymore. I am reaching out to people, trying to make friends. I always pull back, don't let anyone too close, but now I am not doing that. he also said reasons why i have no friends and I believed him but now I see it's not true it was just his way of keeping me to his selfish self. he'd hurt me and I'd run to him for comfort because I had no one else. No more. If I am so mean and no one likes me and I don't like anyone else, then why is it that I can talk easily with others and genuinely enjoy time spent with them? Why do they like me? Why do I like them? Well, because i am not the monster he told me I am . And neither are you. I am so glad you can see this. I used to excuse my husbands behavior, oh he's like that because of alcohol, drugs, whatever, he's good inside, it's the chemicals that affect him. Now I can see, no it is HIM. He is NOT a good caring person. He is selfish and manipulative. My life is too full now to have people like that in it. I am selective about who is allowed to share my life. It is my choice. Wow, we have this choice? I didn't realize before! How crazy is that? So anyone who brings out the worst in me and makes me feel bad about myself...out. Anyone who accepts me and makes me feel good about who I am and who I equally care about...in. So simple, why so long to figure it out? Don't worry about being alone, you won't be, there are lots of people around! We isolate ourselves, we are not ostracized. I was also stay at home mom for a while, I could never trust him with the kids anyway and he couldn't stand taking them to activities or whatever (wasn't even there for every birthday). But i went back to school, got a job. Every day when I was in school I didn't want to go, I cried all the time but I told myself this is my ticket OUT. making my own money has really empowered me. I don't NEED him anymore. All the things he used to say ("well, SOMEONE has to make the money"..."No I can't be with you because SOMEONE has to work"....like taking care of kids/house isn't work?? Really? I am pretty sure some people get paid to do that...) Anyway, I don't know about the legalities of being a stay at home mom then getting a job before divorce vs after, someone else will need to advise you on that. All I can say is take your sadness, take your anger and disappointment, and turn them into resolve to have a great life! There was a quote I saw a long time ago, something like "just because you bought the ticket doesn't mean you have to stay for the second act". Just think of all the JOY that is waiting for you!! It's there already, you just have to go towards it! I am in the process of going there, but I KNOW it's there and that's what gets me out of bed every day!

Re: Alone

Good luck to you Strongspirit! I had to laugh when you said " Like taking care of the house/kids isn't work?...I'm sure people get paid for that"
I am a housekeeper for a Dr. I make pretty good money at it too
My ex was a jerk and that is why I quit working in the first place, I worked nights as a CNA and he couldn't handle the kids. I would have to take them to my mother's house and then go get them at 11 pm when I got home, mean while lazy ass was sleeping on the couch

Re: Alone

Thank you, my life is so much better now. I was scared too. That is why I stayed for so long. I had been out of the work force for a few years, I quit my job after my second son was born and felt hopeless. At that time I didn't care, I just wanted out. I could not take it any more.
I had a great friend who allowed me to stay at his house while he was out of state. But I know if he wouldn't have let me stay at his house I would have gone to my mothers for a while.
I am working now. It's not much but its something. CHild support helps some. YOu can get APL if you leave. Which means that your hubby has to support you even if you are not together.
(My ex drained our largest account with out telling me, so my advice to you...beat him to it) Sounds mean but let me tell you they will think nothing of doing it to you. Your the one with the kids so do what you have to do.

Re: Alone

Get out while you are still young enoungh to start a new life for yourself. Find some one who loves you for who you are. I stuck in a mentally abusive marriage for 34 yrs. Now he is divorcing me! Wish it had happened when I was younger. But we were taught you get married, you stay married. He is gone now, and I dont miss him at all. The divorce process is no fun at all, but I am hoping to be so much better when it is over. Money or no money, I will have some self respect. Good luck

Re: Alone

I stayed for 36 years. The Verbally Abusive Relationship by Patricia Evans saved my life. I recommend it to everyone. Verbal abuse is rampant on the planet..abusers RARELY change, and so you have to figure out what you want; take steps to get there; get into therapy (alone).....Hugs, Allison

Re: Alone

I want to say thank you to everyone who took the time to respond to my post, it has helped me more then you can ever imagine. @ Allison, thanks for the book recommendation I will run out and buy it today, and thanks for the hug, even if it was only through the internet, I can't even begin to count the times I have cried wishing there was someone there to hug me and tell me it will be alright.