Mary, I feel your pain, but you are not single, you are INDEPENDENT! and now is your time to shine. As hard as it seems right now, the ladies on this site are here 100% for you. Trust that you are worth far more than he ever was. Love, laugh, live and don't stay home alone, its not healthy. My neighbours wantedt buy me a cat, even though I have 2 dogs, sounds funny, but cats cuddle, comfort and do not care if you cry for no apparent reason. Animals love unconditionally, and its a shame cheating husbands are not the same. Take care you will make it.
Mary, I can really sympathise with you. I am just coming out of a long marriage 34yrs. Those days of feeling alone, can get you down. But we are going to get over it ! Who wants a guy like that any way? How could we ever trust them again? We cant. We are better than that, we deserve better than that! I am through being a door mat to anyone ! how bout you?