Discuss your troubles, compare ex's, offer suggestions, and share stories!
Hey Sue,
I think we can all relate to those feelings. I have almost forgotten what its like to not have those feelings, today Ive been sad, mad and now a little numb again.
Sounds like the cycles are the same for us all but the further on we go the less intense.
I think men in general need to have someone there, my ex's g/f said so herself, he doesnt care who he is with as long as he is with someone. Also, they dont change, they will treat their new g/f the same in time.
For some unkown reason we get those sneaky good time memories and they appear to over ride evrything else and succeed in bringing us crashing down.
Its over for a reason. The time we spent with them may be over but it can never be replaced, and just as we have those memories to live with, so do they, they are just not as vocal about it, but we are there inside their heads too.
Time my friend, thats the only thing but it will do its job and without the endless emotional cycle we have going on now, i think we will look back, free knowing it was the right thing. We just need to make it through the tunnel. Just keep going, knowing you are not alone, all our feelings are similar and know that we will be free of the heaviness one day and able to shine and be happy as individuals.
It can not and will not last forever.We have lived happily without them before meeting them we will all do so again. We are healing
My ex is the same exact way. He even admitted to me a number of times that he could never live alone. They are all Man-Boys....if we put them in a boat and they all became stranded on a deserted island they would be crying...."Mommy!" within an hour.
We have the freedom to chose to live with someone or choose not to...that is one thing my ex will never have. I know this for sure. I used to think divorce was the end of the world, but I am beginning to see it is only the start of a whole new one.
PS Ladies...those emotional feelings and roller coaster days do come to an end and when you get off the ride and look back you will see the new strength and independence you have having made it through. These men have a whole set of different issues to deal with and you won't even have to worry about those.
Susan !!!!
I cant wait for that day to arrive!!!
Thanks for assuring us it does, we know it does but its soooo good to hear it from a survivor.
My ex hit girlfriend #2 with in 2 months...this from a man who could not live with out me.
I say let the gf have him, I got the best he had to offer me, two beautiful boys that I would give up for the world
You know we all kind of sound the same on here. Dont men have any emotions at all? Mine is divorcing me, he left the state and I am stuck dealing with everything. I dont want him back. But every letter,or email I get from the lawyer, I am sick to my stomach, shakey and upset the whole day...he is in Ca. having a great time. I feel like I was a fool through the whole marriage. Just like your first post, like I never really knew him.
Even in the common affairs of life, in love, friendship,
and marriage, how little security have we when we trust
our happiness in the hands of others!
William Hazlitt (1778-1830)
Kat, the quote you posted is so true & something we should all strive for. I recommend the movie my brilliant career. It's an old movie but a true story about a strong, independent feisty woman that chose pursuing a career over love. She was a strong voice for women as you can imagine because her story influenced me & she was born in 1879.
I'm feeling the same today again. I was ok last night, slept well for the first time in a long time. Got in the car to go to work, my Mum called to say she was in hospital. She had a knee operation a month ago and now there is an infection and they have to do the operation again. She was crying, which really upset me, just another level of sadness. Also my brother is having surgery next week as he has just come through bowel cancer and they are removing the cholostomy bag in reverse surgery. All this has been going on whilst my husband was having an affair and left me 4 mths ago. Then after getting off the phone to Mum, my husband calls (didn't answer) to ask what the rent is on our investment property so he can talk to a real estate to sell it. Then tells me in his message he is having a day off tomorrow and going diving! As if I care what he does, why tell me! and then says he wants to come up to the house on Sunday. I feel sick and anxious every time he calls or emails and he sounds like a 17yr old with his ums and ums and more ums can't string a sentence together. I have been crying and I wonder what more can happen. Just when I think I am getting stronger more sadness overwhelms me.
Hang in there, Jo. All these posts I read really remind me of what I had gone through during it all. If I had to write down everything I could fill a volume of books...We all could...we all have a story to our lives and divorce is what pulls all our stories together. As soon as my ex was out of our home...and even before I knew about the affair...he was out on the town acting like a 16 year old...everyone knows everything in a small town except the one being cheated on...but when you find out then everyone else's comes out of the woodwork to tell you what they have seen. Just know you are not alone and that maybe these men do not see their own shame or their girlfriends as well...but other's do. Hold your head high and push on because in time there is a healing and light to all this darkness.
You as well as the others are all in my thoughts and prayers today.
Isn't it the truth about everyone knowing but you. After I finally had enough of my ex I was talking to a friend ( well at least I thought she was) and find out she had seen my ex with OW a couple of times at the bar. Amazes me how she didn't feel the need to tell me. A number of people have come to me to tell me how sorry they are and that they had see my ex with OW but didn't know what to do. HA! I know what they should have done, but I refuse to share common sense knowledge with stupid people, it's a waste of time
I think they just are at a loss sometimes...they may not want to be the ones to bring out all that hurt and pain they know we will have to face and sometimes I think they wonder if we get back together and never end up divorcing what will they look like to us. I don't think they really understand, without going through it themselves, how we would have liked to have know even though we may have wish it was never happening. I also think they may wonder if we already know and would just be even more embarrassed by having them tell us. There may be a few people out there who just don't tell us because they really don't care, but I try to put myself in their place...but I can't because it has happen to me and so I would let someone else know now. But as I think back when I was first young and married, we had friends who were going through divorce and I never really, truly understood how they felt. I do now. I have walked a million miles in someone else's shoes.
sorry its not going too well. They 'tell us' stuff to have the desired effect. I can promise you this when they start hearing 'stuff' back, they dont like it one little bit but while you are down he will use his power.
Why they do it, im not really sure, mine liked to do it firstlly because he thought the jealousy would get me back and secondly because he likes to create doubt in my mind, 'have I made a mistake?'. Third just for sheer spite!
When we get to a certain point I dont believe we will be spiteful, we will just be getting on with life and that will hurt more simply because we are being real, no motive. Thats gotta hurt when they finaly realise we are over them, bye bye power.
How you feel now wont last forever and you will climb back up but when you get to the top you will be free. The exs seem to just recreate the misery forthemselves, because they dont change.
My husband partied like a teenager, it drove me mad, I was miserable and he was living the life. During one of out talks he told me its all a front, that he drinks to numb the pain but its still there the next day. He told me he was so lonely but just in a room of people who actually he didnt want to be with.
The image they send and we get is not always what it seems to be. They are just much better at pretending than us.
Because you are already low any knock will have a double effect. Take care of yourself in any way you can.
Thank you all for expressing your feelings. I do not feel so alone. I have been divorced for 9 months. I was married for 28 years to a man w/ addictions. As time passed, his addictions grew stronger. The relationship slowly evolved into what I could do for him. When I finally realized that he would never be the functioning man I married and that he was a black hole of need, I made the break. Even though this was the healthy decision, it doesn't make it easy. I feel betrayed. We were supposed to have a good life together. We had goals and plans. We were soul mates.(Or so I thought) I mourn this loss everyday, but I don't miss him. I am angry, hurt, lonely, confused and just sad. My life feels surreal. I know that as time passes, this will get better. And for now, some days are better than others. I have chosen not to communicate w/ him at all. I feel that this is the only way I can heal. Thanks for listening.
I have also only just joined the no communication approach. It is hard in one way, easier in another.
Im sad but without the rollercoaster of emotions he would fuel (text wars etc). I left in April 2009 and only now are we really breaking ties.
Im hoping the worst is behind now.
Im looking forward to a morning I will wake up and hes not my first thought one way or another. Then Ill know Im getting there.
I think in sharing our feelings we can use more perspective and see it as a process; a process with common themes but more importantly a process that we will survive. I have gotten more strength, encouragement and hope from listening to others on this forum than anywhere else.
Ups and downs are all accepted here.