Here, here.
Ive just been listening to my 8 year old son telling me he is always hungry when hes at dads house...stupidity. Always beer in though.
That will be another condition of contact (Ive stopped it now and will have a list of demands he needs to meet if he wants it to continue (being sober will be one)- the worm has turned)
I think I will end up sorting out a similar mess, with a business and a house, all I can do is sit and wait for his next move and watch my financial situation deteriorate. No difference really, ive always cleaned up after him why should it change now.
What we will have is a clear conscience. That ladies is something they will never have. They might be able to kid everyone else and themselves most of the time but not ALL the time. Mine only sleeps well with the aid of alcohol...cant think why.
My ex seems to think feeding a 9 year old and a 6 year old boy at 1pm on Sunday classifies as feeding them supper. They come home at 7pm STARVING
Does he really know how much 2 boys can eat???!!!
It amazes me still and I feed the bottomless pits EVERYDAY
And while Im at it, he aint paying me a penny, and my boy eats like theres no tomorrow.
He says 'I havent any money' while smoking 60 a day, drinking like a fish and taxing around everywhere cos he lost his licence!!!!
But is thoroughly ******** cos Ive stopped him seeing his son until the drinking is resolved.