My youngest is 6. Him and his father don't really have a good relationship. Never have. I make sure that they call him, so that it looks good for me. I suggest that you have her call him. It's hard believe me I know, I wish my kids didn't care but they do. Think of it this way. Some day HE is going to decide to want to be a part of her life, if he is anything like my ex he will turn the whole thing to make it your fault. If you at least put forth the effort, she will know the truth.
My ex told my kids that I wouldn't allow him to talk to them, he NEVER placed a call to them in 3 months, took me to court because he said I was stopping them from talking to him...I guess the dumb ass forgot about a little thing called phone records/ I took months of records in and not one time did he call, but there was proof that I had them call him. That made him look bad, ya know lying and all (idiot)
That's a hard decision because you hate to see your daughter so saddened by this. I think that if you think it will benefit her to make contact then do it. I've been thinking a lot about these kids of things seeing as though I am in a similar situation. I always thought that children were better off with a mother and father, but only if they are good parents. I think that it's also true that sometimes it may be better to not have a father if the one you have isn't so great. I think that it's his responsibility to be a father, but as mothers we tend to be the ones who always do right by our children whether the men realize this or not. Do what your heart tells you to do.