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solution for getting rid of upside down house

The house is upside down. The neighborhood declined. The spouse won't sell. All possessions stolen/robbed/etc. Income decreased. Bills in collections. Health declined. No medical money. No other place to go. No dependents under 18 years old.

With that in mind I've considered just walking and leaving everything without bothering with the formalities of divorce. If gone for a certain amount of time, the divorce will occur. What do you think?

I have no idea what the 2010 bankruptcy laws are like. I would have to divorce so that the spouse would not be affected...There may not be anything left beyond the house for property. Would he still be affected?

I wondered if I did a quit claim of property before I left, would that make it easier to be free of the mortgage. Does a quit claim involve mutual signatures? If spouse won't sign, then I would probably just walk with no plan of any place to go/live;so far. What plans would you make/do under this circumstances.

There is not enough income to support another place to live or a place to live on my own. I may have to rely on spouse's medical insurance. I can't do that if I divorce. I feel trapped. What do you suggest?

takeitback2012 [at] gmail.com