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Re: The Awakening - Inspirational Message....

Thank you Lori.

Re: The Awakening - Inspirational Message....

Perfect, thanks for posting it!

Re: The Awakening - Inspirational Message....

I'm printing this one out to hang on to.
Thank you,

Re: The Awakening - Inspirational Message....

It really is an awakening. Thank you for posting, think I'll send it to my Aunt, she is divorced too. Her ex really took a lot from her.....

Re: The Awakening - Inspirational Message....


Thank you for posting that. Wow, that just describes where I am at right now, and where I want to continue to be! I copied it and will keep it with me (for those days when everything seems to go wrong or doubt sets in, what i call, "I can't take it anymore days") and send on to others.
Thanks again@