Man Im exhausted, just been in battle with ex. hes quite a vile individual and the things he says are disgusting, hurtful and pretty cruel. Unfortunately he does this because his brain over heats and he just cant think co-herently. I digress, but man what an imbecile he truly is.
I had to phone him because my car has developed a major fault and I probably need to trade it in for another car. Unfortunately, the car is registered to him. I was hoping for a civil discussion where he would agree to sign ownership to me. Its never been an issue and it has always been my car, Im still confused why its in his name and not mine. Anyway he basically gave me the finger, in between ranting and raving very much like a mad mad. I think stopping contact has annoyed him and hes yet to make the connection between drink and contact. Wait till he gets my solicitors letter tomorrow with all the conditions attached to contact...the air will be blue.
So, im tearing my hair out thinking Im stuffed with the car. I need a car for work, school etc, Im in the country so a car is a neccessity.
Im looking through documents for car tax renewal and sure enough it has his name on for the car. Then I find one with my name on. I open it and yes its a car tax renewal form alright, but its for one of his vans. Then I remember Im also the registered keeper of the big van. So tonight I lost my car and gained a fleet of vans!!! How cool is that?
So quite legaly I can drive my knakered car to his work and ask him for the keys to all my vans, and if the police were called they would correctly state that as the registered keeper of all his vans I can do what I like with them.
Hes feeling very smug right now but thats because he doesnt know that I know I own all his vans. Business men do the strangest things to reduce their tax....if I get there early enough I could stop his vans going out and bring everything to a grinding halt, business closed for the day. Would I love to?? Oh yes but I think he would actually kill me, not for stopping the vans but for out manouvering him. Thats why he starts to yell obscentities, I have a brain and it makes life so complicated for him.
Dont know how Im going to play this one. Right now I would like him to choke on this information until the life is squeezed out of his insidous little body, but come morning I will have no doubt calmed down and rational will take over. Im having some fun just knowing what I know and playing out scenarios in my head. Interesting to see how he will make life incredibly difficult for me when he thinks I have no choice.
Abbey its called sweet as revenge! You brought a very wide smile to my face just reading this. There is always a God and he has just delivered to you a very valuable piece of information. Put them on the Internet for sale and send him a copy or put his name and phone number in for the contact to sell! That would blow his tiny mind Then I would sit back and wait for the fireworks! Seriously though, and this is all fun and games for us to seek some revenege on these creeps, but at the end of the day we are moral human beings who gain no pleasure from hurting others, thats his game and let him drown in it. Power to the Chicks this time, great blog!
Oh my, you seriously gave me a good chuckle! Especially when you said you have a brain and that makes life so complicated for him! Too funny!! I often think my stbx should get with someone dumb next time, he would feel so much better! And about your offering vans for a fiver, I often think the same about his blasted boat, that I'd fight to get it then give it away or sell it for a dollar just because...
You know, for years I felt so angry, that he treated me, my LIFE like a joke. Now I realize he's been the joke the whole time. Go figure!
Man its been worth it just for the responses from you ladies!!!
I mentioned the need to know exactly who is registered for what (via DVLA obviously cos Im just a 'stupid woman') so we 'can sort this mess out once and for all' ...
He rang the log book company for the car explaining he had lost his and needed an new one to transfer ownership.... I couldnt believe how helpful he was and so quick too, hmmmmmmmmm!!! His explanation? 'I dont want to make life hard for you'. Bless.
I may be a stupid woman but at least Im a stupid woman with a load of vans, that he thinks I dont know about. Unlike him I am able to hold my own water. You never know when it might come in useful...