I have to say that there is nothing wrong with us I believe that there are certain men out there that need a reality check, they are lost in this world and feel supper insecure at at times intimidated on what wonderful woman they have. We need to hold our heads high even though its extremely hard at times...ladies lets shake it off...see the bigger picture of life. I see it this way the only thing that cant be solved in this world is death everything else comes and goes. Lets do things we love, lets try (even though we dont feel like it at times) to be surrounded by people who love us, to go shopping, to go out enjoy life....life is too short, lets empower our minds and hearts.
Very well said & empowering Estela. I do think when we spend our time & energy focusing on the past, it limits us from allowing the beautiful experiences that await us to enter our lives. We truly are responsible for our own happiness. You are all deserving of an amount of joy that doubles the sorrow you have been feeling. I also think it is so important to surround yourself with positive people & a positive environment. Comfort yourselves with whatever defines that for you.
~My prayers are with all of you~
I just have to say that I know its easier said then done but you will be happy again trust me it just takes time...its going to take time and you will feel bad and you are not going to want to get out of bed or go out but its something that you need to work on its a process don't think about what you had or what you lost...think about what you can gain, what you can learn out of this situation, start planning your life, write down things you would like to do for yourself what makes you happy.