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Re: Roller coaster ride of deciding

Vent on Girl!! I know how you feel. I have great friends, but they have their own drama and I don't want to burden them. I love my Mother to death and she listens to me when I need her to but she just doesn't understand. She tries but it is so above her that she can't. My Daddy walks on water Okay so I'm not stupid he has his faults...can't think of any off hand
I hear ya about needing time alone. The only thing good about the divorce, he is forced to take his kids every other weekend. He is not allowed to drink when he has them either so I win! My kids would call wanting to come home too but I just told them they had to stay. Sounds mean but let him deal with the not so good part of parenting. If I would have gone to get them, I would just be giving HIM an easy out. I did that for 9 years since the birth of our son. Don't get me wrong he found a stupid gf to take care of them for him. But at least he HAS to hear them cry.
I had to laugh when I read about school functions. My ex NEVER attended anything at school, not even kindergarden graduation ( a big deal here, they wear little caps and gowns..soooo cute ) Well during the whole custody battle and the "I can change" stage my ex actually came to ONE Christmas play..for a minute I thought I had to much egg nog. That was the first and the last thing he went to.
You can't teach an old dog new tricks, your best bet is to start fresh with a puppy

Re: Roller coaster ride of deciding

Thanks Lisa.. I feel the same way. His gf was there one weekend when the kids were with him, he got drunk and passed out and she was up with them. She hasnt been back when the kids were there yet, but who knows. My 10 year old put her on the phone with me said she wanted to be my friend. I can hear her in the background saying she prob hates my guts. I told my daughter i dont hate the gf, i dont hate, but i did not want to talk to her. Well, as kids do, she put her on the phone anyway. The gf (who was also the OW that chased my husband knowing he was married with three girls) said its been like two years and i always thought we should talk, but i was scared to, your girls are beautiful..blah blah.. I said thank you but to tell you the truth, i dont want to talk to you, i want to relax and watch a movie and enjoy the peace, its the first time i have had a break from the girls and basically hung up. Sorry honey, the fun is over well at least every other weekend it is. I dont think she will come be his babysitter again. Maybe she can see now what I went through. None of this bothers me, I have let things go. Only issues i have now is child support. And boy I can go and on about that. I am just waiting for support services to do their job and get him to pay so I can take care of my kids.