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What a difference

What a difference time and healing will do for your attitudes, Ladies. My ex is leaving today on another vacation with his girlfriend and I have my sons for the entire week. A few short years ago this would have hurt me and I would have said to myself...when is it my turn, but today I just think...Thank you God, Thank you God.

One whole week of "Out of sight, out of mind"...not that he is much on my mind anymore anyways, but when you have to deal with a selfish ex every other day and they only live a mile or two away, it is nice to have a little peace. The really nice thing is that the boys week is not all chopped up with his turn, my turn, his turn...etc. I feel normal when they are just around at home.

The other day my ex was disappointed because of issues with my oldest son and our son not wanting to do things with him and his girlfriend at times....he stated to me, "I just wanted him to have some family time." To bad he did not think of this when he lived at home and was out with his girlfriend, unknown to us, while the boys and I ate dinner alone. These men will never see how selfish they are and always find someone else to blame things on.

My son is seeing this all now and he is old enough where I can't try and hide his father's faults as much now. He told me the other day..."You know, Mom....Dad is never wrong or at fault. He always blames something on you or me or someone else or even his own girlfriend when he lies." In time children see the reality of life. I never had to say anything bad about their father or ever wanted to anyways, but "what is in the dark comes to light in time".

I know sometimes we all want justice for what these men have done...but sometimes when justice comes...it doesn't really bring us happiness only sadness that this all happened in the first place. Sadness that our family was destroyed, sadness that someone can be so blind, sadness thinking about what could have been if he wasn't so selfish. Now a days I just feel sorry for my ex at times if I am not irritated at something selfish he is doing involving the kids. But then I remember these are now his issues and I take what he has left me and do the best I can to bring peace and joy back in our own lives with a lot of talking, counseling, making home a place of comfort and peace and a lot of praying that God watches over us all...even my ex and his girlfriend.

Take something bad, pick up the issues that are only yours, let the hurt go in time and make something wonderful of what you have left to work with even if it is not what you thought...Joy will come again in time

Re: What a difference

Amen Susan
Life is to short. Don't get me wrong when I see my ex unhappy I do smile, even if it is only short lived. I feel sorry for my ex because he can not love. I feel sorry for my children that their innocence has been cut short by all the drama. I feel bad for my ex's gf because she will never know true happiness with a man who can't love. You cannot break up a home and be happy. But I do not feel sorry for myself any more. I do not lay my happiness on his misery either. I have found happiness again. I will do my best to make sure my kids are happy. I will only take on what is mine. My ex will either find happiness or he will not. For his sake (and mine) I hope he does, then he can stop trying to make my life miserable with his crap.

Re: What a difference

That is one thing I do not miss with my ex out of the house....Misery. He was becoming one miserable person. When he doesn't get his way he sucks everyone down with him. I even had a person tell me that when my ex is miserable everyone around him is miserable and this person was not a close friend or relative...yet they could read my ex. I am learning not to let his misery affect me anymore. I still have to raise our children with him....but it is so freeing to have a home of my own. I can close my door and rest.


Re: What a difference

My ex wasn't always miserable I noticed a change in him two years after we got married, he was discharged from the Army for a medical condition. It seemed like that is where our marriage started to slip. He started drinking, I would get angry, we would fight, I would go with out talking to him for days. I own my blame, I know that I could have done things differently. My Mother has always taught us that no matter what life throws at you, you look for the silver lining. I hate self pity and refused to let him use it as an excuse to throw us away. I tried to just love him, that didn't work, I tried fighting him, that didn't work. Soon I realized that until he loved himself I was just going to have to deal with living alone. So I prayed that he would some day wake up and see his blessings. Materially he had everything you can ask for. He had a great job, a house, we had two new trucks in the drive, every man's dream toys...he also had the best, two beautiful boys and a wife who would have turned the world upside down for him. Yet he never smiled. he always complained. What he had materially was never good enough. He was miserable, and I felt him pulling me down too.
See I have a lot to be thankful for. I am alive, I should have died 13 years ago, my Dr calls me Miss Miracle. Live hasn't always been kind to me. My cousin/dear friend was brutally murdered, my uncle died in a tragic accident, another uncle to cancer, another uncle to stroke...If I sat long enough and dwelled long enough I could sink into a deep depression and be unhappy too.....but I choose to see the silver lining in my clouds and smile. I try to smile every day, some days it is harder than others but I figure if God seen fit for me to be here there has to be something to smile about
I'm glad you are at the point of happiness Susan. Life it to short to remain angry. I think we are entitled to it every once in a while though

Re: What a difference

Lisa H.
I try to smile every day, some days it is harder than others but I figure if God seen fit for me to be here there has to be something to smile about

That's awesome, your strength is inspiring! I draw so much strength from all of you amazing women who post here, especially on days like this when I feel it draining away. Big hug to all of you and a nice corny toast/quote "Here's to good women. May we know them. May we be them. May we raise them." And, please Lord, may tomorrow be a better day.

Re: What a difference


"I know where I was and I know where I am now and even though the rippling effects of my divorce still lingers in my everyday life. I MADE IT! It was hell on earth, but I MADE IT! So I know all of you will too. Just keep to your values, love who you are and be honest in all things... the rest will fall into place with time."

I just had a personal conversation with my district manager today. We talked about ourselves (to get to know each other better workwise) and the divorce topic came up because he already knew about what was happening in my life. He told me he and his current wife went through it too (men can also go through some bad stuff) we didnt get into the reasons for divorce (thats a little too personal for a business relationship) but he told me one thing: "Having gone through it myself, I can tell you it is not easy and it is a long hard process but you will get through it".. I thought about it and the first thing that came to mind was "long" .. neither of us has yet to file for divorce, but it is inevitable. At this point i am content in my own place even though there are support issues (him complaining its too much and not paying).. I have to admit i am a little bit "scared" of the divorce procedings and all the arguments that will come out of it. I am tired of the drama and do not want to deal with more. I wouldn't care if we just stay separated with the support agreement and be left alone. I could get alot of benefits out of the divorce but I could care less about money (well i would like my college loan paid cause i cant afford it, and of course i want to make sure i can take care of my kids but the support will help with that). I won't file cause i do not want to spend money that i need to a lawyer. I am also still under his health insurance, and as I am not working all year I need that right now. if he files i will go through with it. I believe I have a very good lawyer, he did a wonderful job for the support, but going through that was hard enough. I do not plan to ever get married again, I am 43 and cannot see myself ever feeling good enough about a man to marry him. LOL maybe when im 65. Anyway the thing is, i feel good about where i am now and what i want to be doing with my life. but i have a feeling i am going to go through many ups and downs throughout all of this. I feel like it will be neverending, and that doesnt make me feel so good right now.

Re: What a difference

summer, sounds like you are in a similar situation to mine. I am 39, married almost 20 years. Still haven't filed. He is even still in my house. But he lives in the basement, we don't speak. I wish he would go away. I wish he would file so I don't have to do all the hard work. I feel right now we are in a waiting game. He is too lazy to file, I am too scared-it would take me forever to figure out all the information I'd need to give a lawyer, I need the financial support right now so my kids can stay in their home. I know if I file he'll probably cause trouble, would do things that would hurt the kids just to get to me. He and his vehicles are a constant reminder. Every day I have to think of him because his stuff is here. The ups and downs are really getting to me too, lately been more downs than ups, anger is really taking ahold of my soul and tearing me apart and I wish I could stop it. I guess because it is sinking in that it is really truly over. We have broken up and reunited hundreds of times and I am absolutely 100% done with him now. But I feel I can't be happy while he is still here. Well, I will do my best to create happy times and hopefully his presence eventually won't turn my stomach. How to heal and move on when every day the wounds are torn open again?

Re: What a difference

Summer and Strongspirit...it is a long, hard road at times....It seemed like endless ups and downs that I did not want to face either, but we also know at times we can't avoid these issues. We do need rest stops though, where we take time out to think and decide our next steps and that is what you are both working on right now....never try to take divorce to fast just to get out of it sooner...it is always better to work through issues and step back to see what you want to do next. We know whatever choices we have to make are the choices we will have to live with so no matter what you both choose to do or when you choose to do it...always think with your head and avoid letting emotions of the heart push you somewhere to fast or some place you do not want to be.
"Slow and Steady wins the race" It is not easy and we don't always want to do things....BUT IT CAN BE DONE and THERE IS AN END we all just choose how we want to get there and when.

You are in my thoughts and prayers,

Re: What a difference

That is one thing I do not miss with my ex out of the house....Misery. He was becoming one miserable person. When he doesn't get his way he sucks everyone down with him. I even had a person tell me that when my ex is miserable everyone around him is miserable and this person was not a close friend or relative...yet they could read my ex. I am learning not to let his misery affect me anymore. I still have to raise our children with him....but it is so freeing to have a home of my own. I can close my door and rest.


Amen! I had someone (not family or friend) come up to me at a barbecue and ask me what was wrong with my husband! I just moved out of town with my kids about a month ago..best thing i ever did! Before i was living in our home and he was living at his aunts. constant drama. so glad to be out of there. Good luck to you.

Re: What a difference

You are such a good mother and such a good person and such an inspiration to so many on this site. I am proud of how well you have done and how far you have come. You truly are someone to be admired!

Re: What a difference

I'm so "Proud" of all of us. I never dreamed how much heartache and sadness there really was out there until I came onto this forum at the start of my divorce. I was like everyone who first comes on here thinking that no one knows what this is really like. But, we each have a story that brought us to divorce and divorce ties us all together in one way or another and all these stories and lives keep pulling me back to this forum. I know if I can make it through all this pain and hurt everyone else can too.

My story is: I was a quiet and sometimes shy person who met my husband and married at the age of 21. I loved and adored him everyday of our lives, but he not only had eyes for me...he wanted money, popularity, leadership, success, etc..etc...these things in themselves are not bad to want, but when you are obsessed in getting them all you lose so much more than you will ever know.

I could never put into words how my ex broke my heart and how long it took me to heal. I always said...If someone were to tell me all I would go through before it happened, betrayal, heartache, lies, abandonment, anger and resentment, lawyers, court, being hated by someone I loved etc.... I would have curled up and died the first day of it all. But I had 2 boys, loving relatives and friends, a God who carried me through and I found this forum full of love and support as well.

I know where I was and I know where I am now and even though the rippling effects of my divorce still lingers in my everyday life. I MADE IT! It was hell on earth, but I MADE IT! So I know all of you will too. Just keep to your values, love who you are and be honest in all things... the rest will fall into place with time.

Re: What a difference


SAM came on the forum back when I did a few years ago and she and I rode the wave together with some others that come on here from time to time as well. I'm proud of you too SAM...remember when we first started out how we kept telling each other we would someday come on this forum and say everything is okay and the ride is over....Well, here we are and it is OKAY we are stronger, happier, wiser and moving on...proof that there is an end and then....A BEGINING