I am so sorry for you. I have to agree with strongheart on this one. Right now you need to take care of yourself, your children and your soon to be born baby. Give it some time and prepare yourself financially by doing research, saving, etc,. My husband was an addict and a greedy dealer when my first daughter was born, i stayed with him believing he would change if i was a good wife etc, that my daughter and i were worth more to him. We lived 3000 miles away from our families and i felt i had no where to go. After almost 5 years of praying and complaining, i finally said enough is enough. I told him i was going back home and he had to get me and my daughter there whether he stayed with us or not. I had to deal with hells angels and their nasty stripper girlfriends, I could take no more, here i was going to church and bible classes while he did all this. He took me home and had to go back to get the rest of our stuff (took him two weeks to do that). In that two weeks i found out i was pregnant (do not know how that was possible, but i guess he bothered me till i gave in when we were stuck broken down in texas).. i was at my moms and she was telling me how she wasnt going to take me and two children in that he better come and take care of us (she has since apologized and feels horrible about it but i forgive her, she was not able to do it)He did come back, got a basic job and we found a place. He was having the drugs sent to him (cause he couldnt get it here) until his connection went to jail. well that got him off of it. He tried after that to make things right for quite some time. We struggled alot and i had to revolve mine and the kids lives around what he did. I thought things were finally good and we tried and had another baby, bought a house, sold it and bought a bigger house. His addiction from drugs turned to addiction to work and making money. He is now an alcoholic that started with just a few beers here and there, now he is up to scotch and whiskey. We had marital problems besides the addictions but the addictions made it worse. My youngest is 10 now and we are separated and i just moved out of the house almost two months ago now. There are many times i wish i had left him and stayed in the state we were in when i had my first daughter cause i loved it there. I would think if only i was more secure in myself that i could have made it on my own. But then i wouldnt have my other daughters so i dont regret it. The thing is, there is a chance your husband will get over the addiction. I can at least say i gave my husband that chance, maybe more than i should have but i did. But then again i didnt know of any cheating going on back then (that happened recently). the decision is up to you and you have to go with what your gut says to do. If i had to give advice, i would say stay put for a bit, it is better to have him there when you give birth. Maybe God willing when the child is born he will open his eyes. Maybe not. So, in the meantime research your option to leave, see what is available in your area for help. This way if you decide to go, you will be prepared. ( I actually tried to hide money away (to get me on my feet) in the house when he was dealing but the sob found it!So dont hide money in the house if you can get your hands on any, put it in a bank account! I wish you all the luck in the world and pray that you get through this. Please take care of yourself during this difficult time, and be strong, you can get through this.