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Re: Am I Wrong?

In my opinion you are not wrong.

I have been there. Sometimes we have been in our 'marriage' but been alone for years.
happiness can come along at inconvenient times, yes, but should you avoid something that could be potentially wonderful? i dont think so.

My advice would be though that you must take it slow. Sometimes we feel we have dealt with our feelings and its cut and dry. Often its not the case and we feel differently along the way. When I first left my husband I had so much resentment and anger, i didnt give a monkey about how he felt. Those feelings dont last though and you can end up with abit of a mess when you still have to deal with other feelings while being involved elsewhere.

I would say dont deny any chance of happiness but be very aware that for a while your feelings may change and if this happens when in a new relationship it can cause some ups and downs.
If I could have my time again I wouldve taken some time to be on my own, but fate decreed differently. In so saying, had I had that time alone I would no doubt have gone back to my ex because of the roller coaster. Having a good man treat me very well helped me to see how relationships should be.
Just go slow, at a pace you are happy with. Life happens only once.

Good luck.

Re: Am I Wrong?

Wow! Thanks. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt there will be no going back. The divorce would have been final had he not had his attorney continue the trial because he wants 1/2 of my retirement.

I will take it slow. It's just nice having a decent conversation with someone without arguing.

Re: Am I Wrong?

I would definitely consult your attorney. My attorney recommended that I not date until AFTER the divorce was final. Get legal advice first.