my mom and step dad are divorcing and i love him sooo much!I am only 11 and i don't know how to deal with divorce!chris is scitsi frantic and an alcholic he has done terrible things but i still love him!!! how do i deal with this divorce???????
the very best thing you can do is find someone to talk to who will understand what you have gone through. Can you find an adult you trust at school to talk to or maybe ask your mum to help you find someone to talk to?
It sounds like you have been through a lot Tori and talking would probably really help to sort out those feelings inside.
You dont need to do this on your own. Please find supportfrom a trusted adult, could that maybe be mum? have you thought of writing your mum a letter letting her know how you feel? maybe that could be a good starting point for you to talk?
if i talk to my mum about it it will just turn into a fight and i don't want that,and plus my mom's boyfriend is looking for houses cause we are moving in with him.I can't get over chris and i know tht he has done bad things but i stilll love him.I just wish this divorce was over with!plase reply
could you write your mum a letter? that way theres no room for an argument and you can get your feelings heard. It probably wont change your circunstances but it might help you if you can get your mum to know how you are feeling without having a row.
Divorce is difficult at times, I know that, try remember its difficult for your mum too.
I dont know if it is possible for you to still see your step dad because I do not have the information. I do think it is important for you to find someone close by that you can talk to though.Dont bottle it all inside, please find someone to talk to.