Wow, Two grandkids, Sherry, that is so great. I'm glad not everything is that bad. I had my two boys late in life so it may be sometime before I have grandchildren, at least I hope, meaning in a good way...the boys are only 14 and 16. I can't imagine if I had my boys when I first got married one would be 24 and the other would be 26 now...I wonder how that would have affected my divorce???? Oh well, I can only guess. It is nice to hear from you again.
Hang in there, you will get through it!
ps yeah i thought he would get better if I gave him more attention but it just got worse, had to cut all ties and ignore dozens of phone calls and texts.. they were even saying sorry i love you, do anything for you and then one saying i was sleeping with his brother.. in a matter of minutes! wow, I dont know who was worse, my stbx who practically ignored me our whole marriage but was also jealous or this one who couldnt spend enough time with sheesh.. maybe one day we will both post about finding a good man if there is one out there lol.. remember to keep your head up.. dont let them get to you, you are better than that!
Sherry--I am sorry. You have nothing to be ashamed of. You are a good mother and was a good daughter-in-law. I am sure your FIL loved you and found the newest wife to be lacking.
I say dress up and look gorgeous and poised and walk in with your head held up high.
Bipolar is what I found out that the man I married has. It seems the entire family has mental issues. His 12 yr old daughter just tried to kill herself. BTW I am wife #4 and he has six kids to 4 different women. Owes child support to WV, OH and PA total close to 100,000.00 and somehow avoids staying out of jail