My husband says nothing is going on between him and these 2 women but i feel very strong about it. He is from trinidad and these two women are also their. recently one of then came to the united states looking for him and told his brother that he is here to ruin his marriage, which evidently she is doing, She recently went back to trinidad and they started talking to eachother on facebook he sent her message stating that when he goes back to trinidad she need to find a place for them to have sex he denied it but when i looked on his phone he did send that message and he is still denying it. the other woman keeps calling him baby stating that she misses him and want him to come back he keeps replying and saying yes he can't wait... WHAT should I do, I want to leave and most likly get a divorce??
Your instincts are probably right. Wish I had trusted my instincts more and left years ago. If I had, I'd be past this and have moved on with my life. Hope it works out for you.
My ex had a guilt trip and told me about his affair. My friend had just been murdered, I was 6 months pregnant. He had just one to many shots of Jack and his guilt hit so he decided to share,like a dumb a$$ I stayed. I was scared, I was pregnant, my mind was not really in full function mode with the family crisis I was in the middle of. I think I stayed because at that time I didn't are either way. The second time I was beyond caring, I stayed because it was easier to stay than it was to leave. I had two kids then. The third time he was in Germany, it was our 11 year anniversary, he called me so drunk telling me about how free the woman were and that he was loving, "loving" them. I think he thought he was talking to his brother. He came home, I kicked him out a week later. I had had it.
If he is lying now he will lie again. If he is cheating now he will cheat again.