I was abused by my husband and he denies it, going to be served papers soon, I am sure. How do I go on with no job and him taking everything from me. I hate him for what he did but I love him, he changed tho, and I need to move on for me. Anyone with any advice.
It can be hard to move on when there are still strong emotional ties. I have been in the same situation. However, I have learned to trust my gut instinct. My advice is to take things one day at a time, one step at a time. The only person you can change is yourself. One thing I failed to remember in my previous relationship was to remain true to myself and identity. Now I am rebuilding. It is a process, not a quick fix. Whatever makes you smile, concentrate on these things. You are not alone in your struggles. You may have a broken heart now but believe me it can be mended one day at a time. A scar may remain but may it serve as a reminder of what you overcame. Best wishes and keep the faith.
I can relate very much to your post. I've been divorced for a little while (not long), from a very abusive man that fits the psychopath category for level of abuse. It has been devastating to say the very least.
There are some online support groups, you might check your community for other supports, domestic violence shelters, etc. I suspect that this would be a place to start for you as to roof over head & starting over.
Try not to isolate. What I found was his continual stripping away of my prior life & when all was laid out shredded, then he left. Very cruel indeed.
Try to separate your own power & self from his loss of touch with reality. Take control by doing what you can do. It takes time to make sense of something like this but one has to do it in terms of who they are, not the ex (your potential soon to be ex).
Also, it doesn't in my mind have a thing to do with love or not. There was plenty of love between us & it was a very workable marriage. He had not intention whatsoever of making it work. There is nothing you can do at that point. He sounds like sociopath/narcissist or psychopath.. the only thing you CAN do is to stay in touch with reality & obviously he is not. There are many of us out there who have had to deal with this insanity.
Praying for you right now!