Yes he is military. Since he is back we going through up and downs. I am not us citizen came from oversees to be with my husband. I dont have anybody here to talk to. He is using this out what I think. His family talked about me really bad. We live like roommates together and it hurts me a lot. He said dont cook clean for him.. he does not care about anything I do. He is trying to prove that I am cheating on him or was. So he can get divorce and I may get kicked out from USA.
Do you know if you will have to leave the U.S. if he seeks divorce? I am not sure what the laws are in regards.
He sounds abusive. I'm sorry you are going through this. I was abused & it is so traumatic & the readjustments are tremendous.
Is going back to your home country an option for you, or that you want to consider?
I did google search using this:
"citizenship protection in US during divorce" & came up with quite a bit of information.
I'm guessing you already know what you need to know in regards.. I'm sorry you are going through all of this. Sometimes I think life is full of tests but they have to do with doing what is pleasing to God & all the other detals really are not that important. Know you are not alone!
I dont know if I have to leave or not. If I have to leave I really dont know what to do. Where to go. My family is in Germany. If I have to leave they will send me to Turkey which I dont have anybody or anything in Turkey. My German visa expired while I was here in U.S. what I really forgot about. So meaning I cant go back to Germany. And He knows all of this.
my husband was military too, and i blame them for the way he is now, i blame him for not getting help tho, now i am lost and all alone too from him isolating me. all i wanted was for him to get help, not a divorce but my actions are going to cause one.
I know how you feel. I cant understand how a person can change that much. My husband came home for good almost 2months ago and I am going through bad times. Up and downs. I left everything behind and came to be with him now this. He or I will better say we need help.. but he says that i made him crazy. And that I have cheated on him now he is trying to prove it. While I was gone for tdy for a week he called my co workers family etc. what a shame. It just makes me cry all day. Since yesterday I am lost dont know who to trust or what to do. All by myself. Alone.. Are you still with your husband? Are you U.S. Citizen? Do you may know what I have to do? I have the permint green card. in a week I have to sent them my papers for my new green card and my husband is trying to make me scared he told me he is going to call them and tell them we will get divorce..but we are still married.. And we got married in germany, in germany what I heard is even if he wants to divorce me we have to be married for a year after this year the divorce goes through.. Do you know anything about that??
yeah mine said the same thing that it was all my fault and that i drove him crazy, i changed not him, which it wasn't me and everyone knew that but his family stuck by him cause i was the outsider. if you are not divorced yet but you got married in germany then you do need to get a permanent green card here. If you go through a divorce (which I think you should cause he sounds just as controlling as mine (i can admit to myself that we need to be divorced even tho it's the worst thing possible to me)) then whatever lawyer you get should be able to help with that process, you are technically a citien through marriage, if you can't afford one, from what i have found out, there are some that will do it pro bono, (free) and some will do it based on your income.
We got married in 2007 in germany. I came to U.S. 2009.
I do have my social security card also my permant resident card. I have to do send my papers to get the new green I can stay here for good. If he want to divorce me so that I can still stay here and keep my job. I guess and hope I can still stay here. And we are still married. What you think?
No there is no way for me to go back to germany for good. I have to get a schengen visa to enter germany..and its just for 90days the most. My rights to enter germany died..
I know this is no consolation or much help to you however I believe The Lord is coming back soon & that our suffering will not be ongoing. There are so many signs that are in The Book of Revelation, coming to pass.
If you can do whatever it is you need to do, right now, to make sure you are safe & try not to project too far into the future. I think there are many upheavals on the horizon for everyone, but with a Holy Outcome, The Lord's Return.
With the internet & fast/easy connections nowadays, so many are finding themselves, married, moved across the country or world, then homeless & starting over.
The Word also speaks about the easy access of knowledge in the end times. Know you are not alone.
There are so many going through what you are going through. Pray to God For Protection, to be your Spouse/ your Father. He Is Always With us. ALWAYS.