Wow, you should be SO proud of yourself for standing up for yourself at such a young age! I also considered myself a 'punching bag', it seemed like when someone had a bad day (also including my mother), I was there to take it. You know what, God did NOT put us here for that reason!! It is sad that some people feel the need to take out their sadness and frustrations by hurting others. You are absolutely not doomed for a life of sadness and the fact that you are standing up for yourself now is proof. People will treat you as you allow them. You don't let them treat you like a punching bag, they won't. Get rid of all people who think you deserve to be treated that way. You are worth so much more, only allow good people who care about you into your life. I am 39 and only now starting to take these steps, and I know there are people older than me still struggling with it. Break the cycle of abuse. You can do it and believe me lots of good, kind people will come into your life. I can see that now for myself, and I can also see that I blocked these people out of my life when I was younger because it was not familiar, only the pain and abuse felt normal. Keep going, you are on your way to a much happier life!
Keep going through those tears. You are young and will recover.
You must pray for God's guidance in what you should do.
Go and ask for help. There are agencies that will provide help for you.
You are in a cycle of abuse. You think that that is all you deserve. Wipe those tears and start walking. You are valuable and a queen.